Wyoming Prevention Action Alliance

The Wyoming Prevention Action Alliance is a state-wide coalition formed with support from WASCOP to equip and empower leaders across the state to promote substance abuse prevention and mental health promotion. The WPAA is comprised of top leaders who gather regularly to hear updates, provide input on strategies, plan events, and act around strategic prevention initiatives.

Our Mission

Connecting and mobilizing prevention efforts for a healthier Wyoming.

Who We Are

The Wyoming Prevention Action Alliance works on statewide efforts on the prevention of substance abuse and mental health promotion. 

Get Involved

You don’t have to be an expert to get involved. With a little effort, collaboration, and communication we can make a better and safer place for youth and adults alike.

THE VALUE OF Prevention

Research has shown that a broad array of evidence-based programs can effectively prevent substance abuse, promote mental health, and prevent related health and social problems by reducing risk factors and increasing protective factors. (Wyoming Survey and Analysis Center, University of Wyoming Senior Research Scientist Rodney Wambeam, Ph.D., discusses the economic returns of investing in alcohol abuse prevention.)


Healthy Communities. Connected Alliances. Thriving Wyoming.


The WPAA provides both ongoing virtual education as well as an annual WYOTalks Day of Prevention event.


The Wyoming Youth Prevention Council is a statewide leadership group of youth who connect and support communities to build resilience and reduce substance use.